From Global to Local: Conques as a Crossroads (9th–13th c.)
July 11–15, 2022 | CUNY Graduate Center, New York
Organizers | Ivan Foletti, Cynthia Hahn, Kristen Racaniello, Cécile Voyer
This workshop will explore the expanded cultural context within which Conques became a major crossroads of premodern Europe. As one of the fundamental stops on the road to Compostela, Conques flourished during the 11th and 12th centuries and has maintained an important role for the region and for European culture ever since.
Primarly, this workshop attempts to frame the “Conques phenomenon” within a broad cultural horizon, with a focus on the constitutive elements that can be observed in Conques itself. Aspects of study might range from female saint’ cults within the Carolingian and Ottonian world to the analysis of the sacred staging. Above all, we wish to focus on the immaterial, performative environments at the intersection of bodies, practices, and community identity with a special focus on memory (e.g., music, liturgy, political and ideological environment, as well as inherited and shared historical temporality).
An analysis of the architecture will be central. The building and its community bounds were triply reinforced in their interrelation with the works they contain, in the ideological and aesthetic expressions of religious and cultural practices, and via referenced traditions and authorities.
Also relevant are many other and varied questions such as a consideration of networks of socio-economic exchange in 9th to 13th century Europe; the study of the cult, circulation, and commodification of relics; analysis of the experience of premodern pilgrimages, and study of the visual cultures which constituted the common language for a nascent Europe.
Inter- and transdisciplinary papers are particularly welcome, as well as papers that compare or unite Conques with other major sites of premodern art and culture. We aim to bring together scholars from different fields of studies, including, but not limited to art history, history, anthropology, archaeology, music history, religious studies, as well as philology.
The conference is financed by the MSCA-Rise Horizon 2020 project scheme of the European Union, and will provide partial or complete funding of travel expenses as well as full accommodation.
Paper proposals of no more than one pages, accompanied by a short cv, shall be submitted until January 15th.
Acceptance notification will be sent by January 31st
Submission | Abstracts should be sent to:
Ivan Foletti (
or Kristen Racaniello (
This workshop is organized as a part of the project Conques in the Global World. Transferring Knowledge: From Material to Immaterial Heritage (H2020_ MSCA-RISE 101007770)