Exotic Ecdotics and Semiotics. The Purpose and Usefulness of Textual Criticism for Hardly Editable Manuscripts
International conference organised between the projects anr PSalteRATIO (fr), erc OrthPol (at), and uefiscdi roPSALT (ro), with the help of FESMAR (fr)
Place: CÉSCM, Poitiers (salle Crozet)
Date: 8-10 June 2023
Voir le programme en format PDF ICI
Thursday / 8 June 2023
8:45–9:00 / Morning Coffee
9:00–9:45 / Vladimir Agrigoroaei (CNRS / CÉSCM): Welcome address.
Session 1 / chair: Stephen Morrison
9:45–10:15 / Elizabeth Solopova (University of Oxford): Editing Middle English treatises on the translation of the Bible.
10:15–10:45 / Ileana Sasu (University of Tours/ICD): Mapping the lives of Saint Audrey: 29 manuscripts and four languages across 1000 years.
10:45–11:15 / Elisa Marcadet (University of Tours): A dysfunctional family of manuscripts: the six versions of the ‘Surtees Psalter’.
11:15-11:30 / Break
Session 2 – organised by ERC OrthPol / chair: Ana Maria Gânsac
11:30–12:00 / Freimut Löser (University of Augsburg): Caught between… Editing a 14th century German Proverbia/Ecclesiastes Commentary with too few manuscripts and too many sources.
12:00–12:30 / Octavian-Adrian Negoiță, Ovidiu Olar (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna): A preacher’s workshop: Editing the sermons of Patriarch Kyrillos Loukaris (†1638).
12:30–13:00 / Ovidiu Olar (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna): The trilingual liturgical manuscripts of a Wallachian archbishop (mid-17th century).
13:00–14:00 / Lunch at the CÉSCM (Swedish buffet in Salle Berger).
14:00–15:30 / Visit 1: Baptistery ‘Saint-Jean’ (15 min walk from ‘Hôtel Berthelot’): Claire Boisseau (University of Poitiers / CÉSCM).
Session 3 / chair: Elizabeth Solopova
15:30–16:00 / Kateřina Voleková (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague): The Old Czech New Testament glossed (1426) as an editorial challenge.
16:00–16:30 / Katarzyna Jasińska (Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow): Publishing Latin lexicographic works with vernacular glosses.
16:30-16:45 / Break
16:45–18:00 / Round Table for a future ‘Tower of Bibles’ Project: (1) Administrative aspects, organised by Vladimir Agrigoroaei (CNRS / CÉSCM) and Marie Aurousseau (CNRS / University of Poitiers).
Free Time
Friday / 9 June 2023
8:45–9:00 / Morning Coffee
Session 4 / (chair: Vladimir Agrigoroaei)
9:00–9:30 / Xavier-Laurent Salvador (Sorbonne Paris North University) : La représentation numérique des ‘Bibles historiales’ (textes historiques et poétiques) : enjeux numériques et culturels.
9:30–10:00 / Élise Boillet (CNRS/CÉSR Tours) : Les textes bibliques en italien du XVIe siècle : pourquoi et comment les étudier.
10:00–10:30 / Cinzia Pignatelli (University of Poitiers/ CÉSCM) : La malédiction du Psautier d’Arundel ? Une histoire d’éditions interrompues.
10:30–11 / Stephen Morrison (University of Poitiers/ CÉSCM): Salisbury, Cathedral Library, MS 103 – the Middle English ‘Jacob’s Well’ – an apparently straightforward manuscript, but is it?
11:00-11:15 / Break
11:15–13:00 / Round Table for a future ‘Tower of Bibles’ Project: (2) Scientific aspects (conceptual), organised by Vladimir Agrigoroaei (CNRS / CÉSCM).
13:00–14:00 / Lunch at the CÉSCM(Swedish buffet in Salle Berger).
14:00–15:00 / Visit 2: ‘Notre-Dame-la-Grande’ (5 min walk from ‘Hôtel Berthelot’): Cécile Maruejouls (University of Poitiers / CÉSCM).
Session 5 – organised by UEFISCDI roPSALT (chair: Ovidiu Olar)
15:00–15:30 / Ágnes Korondi (elkh–nszl Fragmenta et Codices Research Group, Budapest / ‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza University’, Iași): Vernacular variants of a Latin text with no critical edition: Evasion or innovative approach?
15:30–16:00 / Ion-Mihai Felea (‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza University’, Iași): Neither normalized, nor diplomatic: Editing the Slavonic text from the early bilingual Romanian Psalters.
16:00–16:30 / Ana Maria Gînsac (‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza University’, Iași): Language alternation in the 16th century Slavonic- Romanian texts: Editorial challenges and functions.
16:30-16:45 / Break
16:45–18:00 / Round Table for a future ‘Tower of Bibles’ Project: (2) Scientific aspects (practical), organised by Vladimir Agrigoroaei (CNRS / CÉSCM).
Saturday / 10 June 2023
8:45–9:00 / Morning Coffee
Session 6 / chair: Ileana Sasu
9:00–9:30 / Andrea Giraudo (University of Torino): A manuscript, a fragment, two versions, and many glosses. Editing the Old French ‘Romanz des trois anemis’.
9:30–10:00 / Corentin Delattre (University of Poitiers/ CÉSCM) : ‘Text colony’ dans une compilation médiévale. Pour une étude du ‘Computus Graecorum et Latinorum’.
10:00–10:30 / Samantha Molinaro (University of Poitiers/ CÉSCM) : Dilemmes ecdotiques : le corpus du troubadour Raimbaut d’Aurenga.
10:30-10:45 / Break
10:45–12:00 / Round Table for a future ‘Tower of Bibles’ Project: (3) Outreach, organised by Vladimir Agrigoroaei (CNRS/CÉSCM).
12:00–12:15 / Vladimir Agrigoroaei (CNRS/CÉSCM), Ana Maria Gînsac (‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza University’, Iași), Ovidiu Olar (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna): Conclusion.